Monday, 19 January 2009

At least we tried to film those old ladies!!

Yet another Monday,

Yes it is Monday, believe it or not. It´s quite amazing how quickly last week turned into a weekend and then turned out to be finished.

So yes, it´s yet another Monday.Today at Bombadil we´ve had a quite ordinary day, well as ordinary it gets when you´re working at Bombadil Publishing. Me & John went into "town" (Nora, 11 000 inhabitants) to post some books that had been ordered, of course it all turned into a shooting-shorts-session and looked like two crazy buffoons that never seen a mailbox before in our life. We almost managed to get two elderly ladies on tape, but they sneaked by in the last minute so we unfortunately missed them!We also decided that Coop Konsum in Nora is our favorite-supermarket! Such lovely member of staff. All our love to Coop Konsum. We are even starting to find our way through that shop. Next week we do have to remember to bring our shopping list.... We now have enough pasta to feed an entire army... Well, well, I guess It might be handy if we would invite the local football-team over for lunch, perhaps?

By the way; I sincerely hope that no poor man or woman have missed our absolutely adorable "Shorts", our videoblog project! Check it out on youtube, just search Bombadil Publishing. That´s the reason why we were filming the mailbox in Nora earlier today, so whoever thought that those footages was for personal use has got it "om bakfoten" as we would say in Swedish. Translates into: "around the back of your foot", which basically means you´ve got it terribly wrong. So make sure not to miss these crazy-shorts, it´s a great opportunity to get to know us at Bombadil a bit better and you get to see our every day-to-day life here at the office!

So yeah, a typical Monday at Bombadil really.

/Your Monday-blogger,Sara

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