Monday, 9 February 2009

Here we go again!

And yes indeed, another Monday has glorious risen upon us.

Is one bovvered tho?!

The chavy language has entered our lives at Bombadil Publishing, and by the sound of it the subject of matter does not intend to be heading off. Today at fika(coffeebreak in swedish) Marianne was the cause of a minor riot when she claimed that so called chavy expressions should have their own space in one of the most holy books, the dictionnary. This statement more or less blow John´s mind away, and not in a good way folks. I´ve never seen John Parry so intimidated in my entire time as his housemate. Blood was coming out of his nose and steam out of his ears. Almost anyway. It wasn´t quite as bad as I described it, but he did look a bit puzzled. John is the man behind the words "Stop butchering the English language" which was recognized the first time he heard me say "Innit". John also tend to pull really bad puns in order to make fun of the chavy way of speaking. Let me give you a couple of examples:

"What do you call a chav in a box?"
- Innit!

"What do you call a chav in a locked box?"
- Safe innit!!

And yes dear audience, that is that kind of low humour that we at the Bombadil office need to put up with. I have come to an acceptence in regards of John´s humour, but that is only because he never complains about my cooking or the way I drive my car.

"Qoute of the day:
One must learn to accept one´s surrounding and leave the bad jokes behind for the sake of a nice and quiet meal"


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