Tuesday, 17 March 2009

A sunny Tuesday

Today was one of those wonderful spring days, with blue skies and slowly melting snow. It is absolutely amazing. The flowers are starting to appear and I earlier today I really felt like taking my computer outside, sitting in the sun and enjoying work and spring. It is still a bit too cold for that, but is regardless very tempting indeed.

I am not sure where time flies, but each week seems to accelerate faster and faster. We are getting more and more talented authors and we will soon be exceeding 100 authors a day. The present estimate is that in a month or so there will be over 1000 new authors a day . Fascinating, exciting and also a bit daunting. But most of all fun!

The clock is pressing midnight, and I still have a lot to do, so I will keep my blog rather short today, but promise to make it up next week.

Spring greetings to you all!

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