Friday, 17 April 2009

Handing over

I'm off to take a photo of the Moon-Mine from a better angle, for use in an article in "länsbuketten", the monthly magazine of the local "hembygdsförening" (approximately local historical society, though with "past-present-future" being a motto it is not purely historical oriented).
This will be my last blog as regular Bombadil blogger, as we have now grown big enough to have full time staff blogging leaving me the resident scientist free to pursue scientific musings - mainly at ESAB in Laxå, where I now spend half my time as guest ressearcher aiming at explaining through simulations why welds performed using ESAB equipment is so much better than other welds, and thus help further improve the welded joints of the world.
Next week, the thursday blogger will be Melvin Gonzalez, our new market co-ordinator for Latin America. Seems the Bombadil concept is as suited for Latin America as for India, so it will be exciting to watch those two markets grow. Of course, this will add at least Spanish to the Bombadil languages.
Melvin Gonzalez
Over and out!

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