Wednesday, 24 June 2009

A lot + sun + bath

Hello everyone out there

Finally the summer has come to, with some warmth and a nice big sun :-)). That really does a lot to your mind. Today I actually took my second bath for this summer, it was actually a bit colder than the time Sara and I jumped in the lake a couple weeks ago. Brrrr, but I went into the water twice anyway. I just can´t let it be there for just looking at it :-)). The lake here at the office is so nice to go to and just sit down for a while and just take a calm moment.

The lake "Vikern" just outside our office.

On monday and tuesday we had one of our authors here for a visit, Tommy. He came on his motorbike all the way from Stockholm. Not just for a visit we also did some work on his book. Some layout stuff and choosing pictures, going trough the text a bit. Actually John took a new photo too, that will be in the book. That will be more personal than the other picture from a big photo company. I like it that way books shall be personal well at least the ones our authors is writing. The books they are writing is theirs and no ones elses!

Co-workers are good to have they are inspiring, fun (they always have a laugh for you), they are helpful in every way they can and that is worth a lot. It is worth a lot to me, I really appreciate them very much. Everyone should have co-workers like this!
Today was Saras last working day, she is going on holiday so I just want to say to Sara: -Have a nice time in Austria and send us a postcard or some photos :-)), say hello to Kristoff also.

Ohh I almost forgett something :-)). We have finally got some apple cake that John has done. We have kind off teasing him about apple cake that he had done at his house and not letting us taste it (Sara had, she has a room there to). Finally we all got to taste it and it was good:-)). Thanks John, you have to do it again!

by by for this time

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