Thursday, 23 July 2009

Think about it! When JRR Tolkein, the creator of our inspirational namesake Tom Bombadil, wrote his famous trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” and gave life to our famous character named Tom Bombadil – he couldn’t have thought that Tom Bombadil should be a traveller, a world wide traveller, and even an astronaut!

Tom Bombadil

Our company is established in many countries; in Asia: India, Thailand, Singapore, China, Nepal, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Bombadil has visiting all those countries in Europe: England and U.K., Romania, Spain, Norway, Germany and Bombadil is thriving, of course, in Sweden, our base country.

And we together with Tom Bombadil keep travelling and we arrived to the American continent and found Bombadil in Canada, USA, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru and Argentina. It isn’t amazing? What a traveller Bombadil is! A world wide traveller in all those exotic and marvellous countries!

Scientist and Bombadilian Niklas Järvstråt.

But the amazing, really amazing thing is that our very own scientist and Vice-President, Niklas Järvstråt, took Bombadil all the way to the moon. This week has Niklas presenting his wonderful project about a crew base at the moon and he had early this week the Grand Opening of the Moon-Mine Project. And Niklas took the all Bombadil’s crew with him to the moon. JJR Tolkien might think now, if he would live now, that his character Tom Bombadil had been an astronaut, a happy one. There are those wonderful feelings and wonderful sensations that take all us to those marvellous travellers and found our fantastic world of books; we get the inspiration this way.

Melvin González

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