Monday, 3 August 2009

I am back!

After four weeks holiday I sort of had forgot my regular duties and commitments, which lead to me forgettng to blog last Monday. I do apologise for this rather fatal mistake, but here I am, back with more energy than ever!...Except for today. My energy levels are not as high as they should be after a weekends rest, well saying that, my head is working harder than ever. But my body is not, therefore I am working from bed today. Believe it or not. And no, I have not moved my bed into the office, but I am working from home (Trollhättan) today. The reason for my soar feet and exhausted legs might be that me and some friends went to the Swedish amusement park Liseberg yesterday, lots of fun, but still so exhausting! As a child I could run back and forth in that place for hours, not remebering to eat or caring about what the time was. Energy must have got lost on the way. Somewhere from 12-22 years old I have seemed to been a victime of energy loss. Very peculiar.

Well, anyway I am back at work and it feels like I never been away. The Bombadil dog Pixie looked just the same, John is still pulling his same old jokes and the coffee tastes the same. Good to be back.

A lot of things are happening at the moment in the Bombadil HQ, one thing is that I will take over some work from Mariannes and start being her assitant more or less. Obviosly I will still also be a mentor like before and still handeling my own projects and take care of our website. But now also do some more administrive work. Which I am very happy to do, since I like new challenges and learning new things. The wisedome of today therefore is: Challenge yourself and gain experience. Hell yeah!


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