Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Edges Are Everywhere

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about ‘Author’s block’ that inspired me to write on motivation. In the rat race of crushing competition and from primeval astuteness to contemporary thinking, motivation is the pillar that lays the foundation of performance and creativity. We are dreamwrapts and to achieve those, we have to deal with the troubles with expanded sense of consciousness and eminent intellects.

‘Motivation’ that’s what I needed almost every hour from my humble and virtually courageous husband to beat my fiercely extended and defiantly independent depression ever since my surroundings suppressed me with heap of humiliation and failure. I couldn’t calm my persistently mounting expectation from him as I experienced him a concrete combination of honestly aspiring and intensely passionate spirit. I was so much beleaguered by my obstacles that it overshadowed my kind consideration on him. While plumbing the depth of it, I realized he was no superhuman. What makes him different is that fighting spirit; I gave up but he didn’t, I thought depression might help me but he cruelly slapped it and won over. He was internally motivated. ‘A genius struggler’ he was but my torturous soul made our struggle lengthy.

Lesson I have learnt:

We all need motivation. If a person stays motivated that doesn’t mean struggle or failure has spared him; it does mean he has learnt how to fight with headstrong behavior. You might read books such as ‘You can win’ and ‘Stay Motivated’ or hear the speech of motivational gurus but at the end of the day what matters is how much you are enthusiastic to accept the truth and fight against it with gigantic audacity. Abraham Lincoln opines that human being should read something or do something that helps them to keep their spirit high, “To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.”

To stay perpetually motivated, healthy mindset and desperate desire are most important ingredients to win over hurdles. I hope you have found perpetual source of motivation. I wish you all the best.

Yours writing friend, Mousumi

Mixed stuff

Ohh, now my time to blog again!
The week go so fast I think, well at least it felt like that today. Todays blog will be about some different things.

Last saturday my sister and me was at a tracking test with Ubbe (honour office dog) up in Hällefors, about 6 swedish miles from here. It was quite early so I was up already at 06.00 in the morning. The test is a working test for hunting dogs as daschhound is. He did rather well and got a second price, hmmm he missed a bit in a angle but hasen't he done that he would have got a first price. It is the first price you want and for that you get the CC:s (certifikate). But it was ok because the time was excellent, 32 minutes :-), he has been quite slow before. After that we stayed an watch when they had the badger tests, Ubbe and Molly has only tried it once but will continue with it next season. It was a good day and long day, we was home at about 16.00-16.30 something.
They day after (sunday) I was really tired and fall to sleep on the kitchen sofa (it is a hard one) and sleept there for about 3 ours!! I was kind of "after tired". But it's no good to sleep in the afternoon, I couldn't sleep in the night instead!

In the evening the other day, i think it was on monday. At round 21.00 or something it started to blow and storm quite a lot! It sounded much and then it started to rain also, hmmmm - grrrrrr I just say. This is a typical autumn "thing", autumn storm. I don't like it at all, neither do my dogs! Hopefully it was just this "storm" but I know it will come moore :-(.

Yesterday evening Gun has arranged a "Wellness" evening here at the office. It was one of her son's that came and tell us about some good stuff that you can eat and drink to feel good both in mind and body. We also got to taste a lot of things, like a herbal tea, that tasted quite good actually :-). It was nice so, Thanks Gun!

A normal day in my office room start with me putting on the computor and then I check the mail, answer some, send some further. Then I check if there is some book that I have to start the setting on or continue with one. Maybe I do some corrections on a picture and so goes the day.
Today for exampel it was a short breake when I helped Mattias outside at the stable, I just hold some board. Then some school friends to Josephine came and took a short ridning tour on Sunny. At the same time, Ofelia entangled in the tail in one of the wacky spring gates, they are rubbish and now Mattias understand why I think that :-). Well it did go well and I hold Ofelia so Marianne could take it out from her tail. Then me and Mattias fixed a new normal rope gate instead.

I have in the evenings a bit hard to go to bed, I am an evening and night "owl" :-). I look at tv, internet or fixing with some other stuff on the computor or maybe anything craft things, it depends on my mood at the time.
Quite late, I was actually on my way to bed:-) I got a nice sms on the mobile phone. That made my evening and I was really happy about that :-).
So you all out there make your friends happy with some "small" words, it does not need to be much, just some nice words. Perhaps a few words that you know would make that person happy.

Words are not just words;
a few barely audible sounds
can link up people
for life.
~Logan Pearsall Smith

Use nice words to each other!

Monday, 28 September 2009

Pass it on!

Last week we all could read about Alex´s struggle with getting rid of bad habits, I got really inspired by Alex´s text and decided to start getting rid of some old habits myself!

Many times we do not reflect about the things we say or do to the people around us, sometimes we will make someone upset without realizing it or the other way around; we will inspire make someone happy without actually realizing how. But often it is the small things that matters, Alex blog text last week about his morning runs got me thinking "maybe I should start doing something about myself too?". I have always been a very active person and always been on the run somewhere; football, Taekwondo, MMA, Dancing, Theatre practice, horseback riding, since I was a young girl I have always been physically active! The last few years I have for some reason not been so bothered about it and slowly forgotten how well it makes me feel to work out in some sort of way. But now I have got the will power and the inspiration to do it and that is why I will have the worst ache ever in my entire body tomorrow, but that is tomorrow, today I will just enjoy the fact that I have taken a step in right direction!

I think that is how life works in general, we all need a small push in the right direction to find back to our path again, whether the person pushing us are aware of it or not, but remember to always pass it on! If we all start to try taking care of ourselves and our surrounding I reckon we will get a happier place to live in.

Over &Out
Philosophical Sara

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Working man

Hi all

Well my time to blog again. Last week my thought was to show some pictures of when Mattias (our right-hand-man) did some work. But we couldn't find the card reader to the SanDisk card. So it comes this week instead :-).
Well Mattias is doing a lot of things, both possible and impossible things. And he is always very helpful and try to help if he can. He always makes up when he can! And he is also good at massage!!!

He has in recent weeks, with some help has his hands full of finishing making the horse boxes ready for Ophelia and Sunny to move in. The boxes are ready now and they look nice :-). Well done Mattias!

The nice new boxes.

The boxes are big and nice just waiting for the horses to move in. Well there must of course be some soft straw, sawdust or peat on the floor. And then it´s ready for the horses! Well Mattias has to try them (the boxes) too. So his new name now is Ophelia :-):-):-):-).

Mattias our right-hand-man "as" Ophelia.

And now he has his hands full with making place for a nice little paddock (field) for the horses to be out during the days. Well he must first take away some old asphalt. Hmmm wrong first we had to set fire on the old rubbish pile, that was fun :-). We, well me and him just put some paper and then he poured on some kind of fuel and then............. pooooooof it said. Sh........t wich blow it was and it did get really warm also. I couldn't be near it any longer!

The fire, look how high the flames became!

So things happens on the Bombadil office ground. And soon the horses will move from the place where I have my old "Maxen" to the office area :-).

Will end with these words:

"It is a consolation that autumn is so beautiful."
~Caj Lundgren/Kajenn

Hmm I'm not liking the autumn but these words are pretty nice :-).

Bye bye until next time

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Getting Rid of Bad Habits

Hi everybody,

I don’t know how many of you have developed the habit of getting up early in the morning and going for morning walk or run. I’m not gonna remind you the benefits as the best is to experience them all by yourself. You would be wondering why I am talking all this?

The story goes like this:
One of my close friends, Siraj found my number from facebook called me yesterday. He lives in Bangalore with another of my friend. His questions: How do you look like now? How about your bicep? Are you still struggling with your six pack abs, what about eight packs? The questions were as if somebody showed me a full size mirror after five years. What to answer? I grinned and said, “I look like a typical family man: Single pack abs and bones beautifully decorated with loose muscles.”
Then came the words you would not expect from a friend who you are speaking with for the first time after five years. Any way, he cut off after reminding me all what I used to be. I quietly opened my old photo album and closely observed myself. I just could not realize how and when I put on these extra kilos. I remember my high school days. I used to run about 35 kilometers thrice a week. My father and I were a good company. Being a soccer player and wrestler, he lived fit most of his life. In college days, I spent most of my time working out at gym. The day I left my hometown, all precious habits were gone.

Last night I made a promise to myself: I will wake up early in the morning and run a few kilometers. Today, I got up. It was painful: changing bad habits are always painful. I ran not more than a kilometer and got completely exhausted. A voice came from behind; “A few hundred meters more” I turned around and saw a man in his 60s. “Come on son you can run more.” And I ran two more kilometers.

I am very happy today. I went against myself, shun a very bad habit and ran to burn calories. The feeling is ecstatic.


Monday, 21 September 2009

To have a flue or not to have... a flue.

Last week I was home sick, all week long. Coughing, fever, soar troath and a damaged mind. I am the greatest person to have around if you are sick, I´ll cook soup for your soar throat and tuck you into bed and charge the DVD player for you. I will lend you my favourite books and sing you bedtime songs.

Last week when I had the worst cold of my entire life I was lucky to have my boyfriend around to take care of me. Being sick is not really cool, when your entire body feels like jelly and your brain is full of snort. It did sound a little bit more glamorous when I described it earlier didn´t it? But now I am back to work and fit for fight again! Glamorous or not, having a real cold makes you realize how good it feels to be well again!=D


Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Foggy day, "foggy" head


Well today my head feels a bit dizzy or perhaps you could say "foggy" :-). Im not sure what to blog about (again)! So as usual I take some help from pictures when I feel like that!

The other day when I biked to work and the morning was quite cold and the ground still warm, then the fog turned up over the lake just outside the office. So just look at the pictures and feel good about that the autumn is here, or feel bad. Hmmm Im not so fond of the autumn as you might have understand. Ohh by the way the pictures is taken by the mobile phone so not the best quality on them.

Enjoy the pictures or not :-). I will end with these words.

"All the worlds great people
does not weigh up to a friend"

Bye bye

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Bombadil welcomes Sonnet Mondal

Sonnet Mondal, an international award winning poet, is the youngest multi-talented poet who is worldwide recognized and acknowledged by organizations such as Harvard University, Drury University, Bengal Engineering and Science University, and United Writers’ associations, for his potential asset-‘collection of poetry’ in English. He, a motivational icon for youths, is not only a balanced person who showed the reflection of sincere hard work in his extensive contribution finding organizations such as United Mind for Peace Society and The Enchanting Verses International through which he is conducting several world peace projects but also a sub-secretary General of Asia of Poetas del Mundo, especially skilled essayist, colonist besides a most aspiring poet for young authors.

He is a Featured Poet of International “Best Poems From Best Authors Collection”, France, International Poetry Forum, France and of ASOP and a member of the World Heritage Community (UNESCO body). He is the winner of the Prestigious International Status Award -2008 for contribution in poetry. His works were appreciated by Abdul kalam, the president of India, and Nobel Prize nominee and the president of world Constitution and parliament association Dr. Leo Rebello, especially for ‘A poetic peep into The Post Modern world’, and wrote a review for next book of Sonnet Mondal. He is the architect of his own image in English Literature and philosophy through Indian English.

It's our pleasure to find such a multi-talented personality with Bombadil Publishing

Your writing friend, Mousumi

Monday, 14 September 2009

Learning new things

I strongly believe that life is about learning and by learning new things and gaining experiences you will grow as an individual...

...And that is why I have decided to both learn how to play the guitar and speak german! For some reason I got really into German lately, I guess it has to do with me getting very inspired during the summer when I was visiting Austria. The frustration from not being able to communicate properly with the people in Spittal where we were staying and not being able to speak to my boyfriends relatives was driving me up the walls to be honest! I also wanted to tell jokes or take part in a discussion, but my lack of language skills stopped me. But no more, next time I am going to Spittal I will be the one telling stories and expressing my opinions, because I am learning and adding more knowledge to my information base, (i.e. my brain). Language barriers are not stopping me, no way Pedro! So Austria, watch out, Ich can deutch spreche and I am not afriad to use it! ;)

Further I have decided to learn how to play the guitar, but to be honest it is mainly about learning to play this one song... And not just any song, but a song I have written myself! Well "with a little help from my friends" as the Beatles sang, I have written the text and a friend of mine has composed the music, and to really be able to call it my song I figured that I probably needed to know how to play it... =)What do you NEED to learn? There is always something new that is needed to be learnt, I promise.

Over & Out

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Writer's Block

Hello everybody!
The following article is in the response to the situation most of Young Bombadilians come across:

In a lifelong deal of writing, authors might stumble upon confusions that distract them from thinking effectively or wrench through the variations of experiences to put something down on paper; but, in ramifications, fail after some vehement trials which throw them into stagnation for shorter times. Don’t be disheartened! You are in writer’s block.

It happens with all of us. We start writing with enthusiasm but soon feel that crafting is monstrously insufficient or not up to the level to finish. It triggers disillusionment and compels us to give up. Following steps might be helpful to bring back the compact and solid piece of potential.

1.Note down all the words that are impatiently crowding into your mind and shaking your thoughts instantaneously. Now start playing with them by making as many sentences as you possibly can and see how successfully your whole heart is engaged in it.

2.Look around: colors, nature, birds, their each activity and try understanding their indications to extract something out of it. Put down in a notebook either in a form of a short story or poetry.

3.When nothing comes out of mind, be quite and try to listen the sharp sound of silence in your loneliness. Writer’s mind is free to go anywhere to collect pearls hidden in trivial things and come out with the most valuable thing they need.

4.To write something, let your mind be free to be inspired by anything, might be unimportant for common eyes: music or picture, pieces of gray clouds floating in the sky or neglected flowers on the ground. “perceive like common people but think like wise”

5.Since internet has evolved, it has become the most helpful guide to look up to. Post your each piece of writing and be ready for the opinions or criticisms from authors all over the world.

6.In our lifetime, we pass through many experiences which are of great value especially when nothing works out even after sprawling across the ideas; you need time away from the page to let your mind idle with fun.

Finally, what we need to realize is writer’s block isn’t curse for the talented; rather, it actually bridges the gap between the realm of the best and excellent. Diversion from writing is necessary for nurturing the productivity and exploration.

Your writing friend, Mousumi

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Horses and banana/chocolate pie

Hi you all out there.

Today it has been a bit of a weird day for me. Why you might think?
Well for the first thing I had promised Marianne to go to the stable where Ofelia and Sunny are on summer "eating", well it is at the stable where I have my 31 year old horse. And yes that is possible to have an old horse like that :-), but I´m very aware of it that it can go very fast now. But so far he is fine, a bit stiffer for every week so we, wrong I will see how he will take the colder weather that is on it´s way. Aaa to the "thing" then, Ofelia and Sunny should have their hoofs trimmed and put on some new shoes. So the farrier came but ½ an our late, grrrr. But he did it well and quite quick actually and he talked a lot to. It is hard work to do this and it takes a lot of work and strenght, your back will hurt after a couple of years working with this.
Horse shoes can be a whole sience and there is a lot of different ones, riding, trotting, gallop shoes and so on. They are also in so different materials as iron, plastic, rubber and some strange material. Like the trotter horse I have (the old one) in his younger days when he competed at the race track (we trained him on our own) he had from time to time different kind of shoes. But the ones he did most well on was this golden/bronze coloured ones.

Here you can see some different kind of shoes!

Well it also look a bit hmmm difficult to actually put in a nail trough the shoe and into the actually hoof, the hoof wall is actually thin. Not a thing to play by other words! I have kind of disected a "dead" reel hoof once and then I saw how thin it was.

A hof in cross-section.
Stråle means = hoof-ray
Hovben means= hoof bone
Hov brosk means = hoof cartilage
Elastiska putan means = elastic putana

Hmmm we had eaten some good pie too :-):-). Yeasterday I decided that I should do a banana and chocolate pie, as there was some banans left. So late evening (night actuallay) I made the pie at my home. And this morning I did the vanilla sauce to it. So we had some good stuff to our fika time. And there is still a small piece of it left !!!

bye bye from this odd day
Mari + the horses this day

Monday, 7 September 2009

Getting used to it.

Last week I got glasses, and with my new glasses I realized something; I just have to get used to it.

Often things changes in our lives that make us change too, in my case it´s dealing with a change that I didn´t even knew had occurred! Well it might not be that dramatic as I just described it, but still. Following has happened:I had felt for a while that my eyes were hurting, feeling soar and a bit tired, I booked an appointment with the optician and got one the following day. I didn´t think too much about it, after all, my eyes were not far from perfect before I got my "learn to drive" license at the age of 16, today I´m 22 years old so I thought to myself “nothing drastic can have happened in just a few years”. When I came to the optician he quite soon had discovered that I needed glasses, foremost whilst driving and watching TV, plus all other activities where I felt more comfortable with wearing them.
And I who thought he would tell me to sit further away from the computer! It took me some time to realize that I was getting glasses, it might sound a little bit silly, but for me getting glasses was a big change. Now when I have them and wear them every day it´s not such a big deal, because I´ve sort of have understood that it´s just to get used to them.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Nature and water

Hi you all out there!

Well this is that kind of day that I don´t know what to blog about. So I just looked after some eventually picture to put in the blog. Hmmm maybe say something around them, came my thought. So here are some pictures that I took about 1-1½ week ago on a marvellous Saturday at a small lake with some very good friends.

In these small lake you could actually fish if you had this "fishing card" for the area. It was several small lakes like this and a lot of people out having a nice time and of course fishing :-). We just went out there to have a nice time, a relaxing time and day. None of us had any fishing gear with us but we did barbecue some sausages (Hot Dog) over an open fire. The sausages said "wheeeee-kaboom!" when they where ready to eat. Hmmm well they kind of cracked a bit by that sound :-).

And of course the first reason that we went up there was to see these funny bird houses that a man had done and put up in the trees. There where a lot of them in different sizes and shapes and they had also names, well some of them. It was really funny to see these and that actually some man just doing them and putting them up for just his own pleasure, and letting other people see them. It was a lot of them and I really want to go up there some more time and take some more photos of these funny bird houses. And hopefully have a nice time again with my marvellous friends.

have a nice night

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Quite an eventful week

Hello again!

Tuesday is my blog day: that's what we call it. Last week, everybody was as busy as bee. You mind it, we Bombadilians love being busy. To us, being busy means a lot of reading and mentoring work (this doesn't include office work) Last week was special... Marianne, Nikalas and Melvin have won the heart of youths in Peru: quite a fruitful journey. Sara and Mari, ask them if they feel lonely at our office in Sweden. Well, you can't be lonely at Bombadil Publishing.

27th of August was the day we welcomed our youngest Bombadilian, Felix. He was barely hours old when he secured a place on our blog. To me, as a parent, it's life long experience. Hope he becomes the youngest author as well.

And then, today, we announced the winner of our monthly short story competition winners. I read the story; it was so touchy and brilliantly written. What intrigues me more is that they are so young: both below 20 Manaswita from India and Jessica from the US. East and West. Bombadil is bridging the gap. I want you all read these two stories. I’m sure you’ll love it.

Bombadil Publishing (team India)

Autumn in the air

It is today the first of September and the air reveals that the autumn is on its way.

Somehow I can taste the autumn on the tip of my tong, the feeling penetrates even my soul and it whispers in my air that the summer is gone. Somehow I feel sad because the summer has decided to leave and the autumn is to take over, and for you who doesn´t live in Sweden I might add that late September until December normally is the rainy months in Sweden. It might not be a strict fact but in my head these months are related to rain... And wind of course.

But I guess it is just to shake the cold feeling of autumn away and accept that the seasons are changing, just like life, people come, and people go. New experiences leave marks and in the end One has always learnt something. That´s the valuable lesson regardless if the experience was good or bad, you always learn something from your experiences. Just like I learn to love the rain, wind and the taste of autumn every single year, what else I am to do?
