The week go so fast I think, well at least it felt like that today. Todays blog will be about some different things.
Last saturday my sister and me was at a tracking test with Ubbe (honour office dog) up in Hällefors, about 6 swedish miles from here. It was quite early so I was up already at 06.00 in the morning. The test is a working test for hunting dogs as daschhound is. He did rather well and got a second price, hmmm he missed a bit in a angle but hasen't he done that he would have got a first price. It is the first price you want and for that you get the CC:s (certifikate). But it was ok because the time was excellent, 32 minutes :-), he has been quite slow before. After that we stayed an watch when they had the badger tests, Ubbe and Molly has only tried it once but will continue with it next season. It was a good day and long day, we was home at about 16.00-16.30 something.
They day after (sunday) I was really tired and fall to sleep on the kitchen sofa (it is a hard one) and sleept there for about 3 ours!! I was kind of "after tired". But it's no good to sleep in the afternoon, I couldn't sleep in the night instead!
In the evening the other day, i think it was on monday. At round 21.00 or something it started to blow and storm quite a lot! It sounded much and then it started to rain also, hmmmm - grrrrrr I just say. This is a typical autumn "thing", autumn storm. I don't like it at all, neither do my dogs! Hopefully it was just this "storm" but I know it will come moore :-(.
Yesterday evening Gun has arranged a "Wellness" evening here at the office. It was one of her son's that came and tell us about some good stuff that you can eat and drink to feel good both in mind and body. We also got to taste a lot of things, like a herbal tea, that tasted quite good actually :-). It was nice so, Thanks Gun!
A normal day in my office room start with me putting on the computor and then I check the mail, answer some, send some further. Then I check if there is some book that I have to start the setting on or continue with one. Maybe I do some corrections on a picture and so goes the day.
Today for exampel it was a short breake when I helped Mattias outside at the stable, I just hold some board. Then some school friends to Josephine came and took a short ridning tour on Sunny. At the same time, Ofelia entangled in the tail in one of the wacky spring gates, they are rubbish and now Mattias understand why I think that :-). Well it did go well and I hold Ofelia so Marianne could take it out from her tail. Then me and Mattias fixed a new normal rope gate instead.
I have in the evenings a bit hard to go to bed, I am an evening and night "owl" :-). I look at tv, internet or fixing with some other stuff on the computor or maybe anything craft things, it depends on my mood at the time.
Quite late, I was actually on my way to bed:-) I got a nice sms on the mobile phone. That made my evening and I was really happy about that :-).
So you all out there make your friends happy with some "small" words, it does not need to be much, just some nice words. Perhaps a few words that you know would make that person happy.
Words are not just words;
a few barely audible sounds
can link up people
for life.
~Logan Pearsall Smith
a few barely audible sounds
can link up people
for life.
~Logan Pearsall Smith
Use nice words to each other!
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