Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Festive Season Ends; Winter Begins

Festive season has taken a temporary full stop in India until 25th December and 1st January. All our authors are returning and furthering their own fragmentary works. I have already received two novels from Bombadil authors to whom I am mentoring. I am stuck on stunning revelation of inner world, revolutionary fervor of mind and heart of various evolving authors who are not only liberally imaginative but also brilliantly experimental. Sometimes their creative curve, which they express through their eminent stories, is quite gripping and extremely poignant to me. I find their mass explorations are aesthetically superior. I am overwhelmed…

Finally the capital of India, Delhi, is singing the song of winter which has arrived prior to its time. Delhi is quite close to Himalaya’s cold weaves which often take over the entire city. Scorching weaves of summer changed and agreeable weather of welcoming winter pleased Delhities. Mornings are heavily fogged and sunny days are comfortable until winter furthers. Some are thrilled to cherish and some are pretty concerned as this year seems to be going to be the coldest one. Little Felix has started sleeping a bit more than usual: a big relief for Alex and me.
Anne Bradstreet has best said:
“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”


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