Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Late blogging

Well I´m kind of blogging late today. The reason is that I had ½ day at the office. Taking some time to do something for my self, well I was also company to my sister. Everyone should do something for themselves from time to time, it doesn´t need to be much but just something. I have actually had my hair cut today, it was really a long time since I did that about; 1½ years so it was definitely time for it. It´s nice to go in to Örebro (the nearest big city from Gyttorp, about 4 Swedish miles) to do something fun or just go around looking at people, studying them. And it was also nice weather :-)):-)) a bit windy but okay.

Nice weather bring forward some animals like bugs (not so pleasant) and some other creatures that are not so nice. But some week (weeks) ago I actually manage to catch a frog on a photograph (with my film camera). Well the truth is that it almost jumped on me when I was going up from the ground. I had been lying down trying to take some close up pictures at some flowers. It is fun to take pictures and I´m still trying to learn how the digital camera works, and I´m not pleased with my self on how it goes. But that is me in a "nutshell".

At my last blog I was mentioning that I hoped we should send another book for printing. Well that was a bit wrong but not much. It took a few more days to get it ready for printing. But it is now sent for printing. Sometimes it takes a bit longer than you think but that is a thing that happen to everyone and everything.

Hopefully we will send another book for printing in a short time, the first one for our sister company Gandalf Publishing. That is a bit special and it is a very nice book. That kind of book that you want to have in your bookshelf, well I want it :-)).

over and out

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