Wednesday, 13 May 2009


Hello everyone
I hope you all are having a nice time out in the nature when the sun is shining or just enjoying some time with a good book :-). Maybe you do something fun that really give some new "breathe". Don´t stop taking small breaks it´s important to all of us.

Like me, I have kind of started riding again, well I just did it once last week and will do it again tomorrow. I'm borrowing Marianne's horse Ophelia, she is a nice trotter horse like my old one (31 years now, not riding him any longer). I kind of forgot how nice it was to go out in the nature for a tour. Well I had Josephine (Marianne's daughter) and John's guest Lisa from England with me too, and they did well both of them, thanks for the company. And Lisa I hope you had a nice time in Sweden!

Small moon in the blue sky. (taken by mobile phone)

On the working front we just send one book for printing yesterday and will probably send another one this week, if it goes as I hope and think.

Oh, almost forgott the "Öbetraktelse" manuscript is sent for comments by Calle (Gandalf Publishing) and the author. That is a very nice book with marvellously drawn pictures.

Secrets; are they allowed?
Yes I think so :-)):-)) I'm having secrets? Yes small ones, of course everyone should have that. And then maybe, maybe share it with someone/ones in the future. Having secrets is fun, you kind of having people curious in a kind way of course :-)):-)).

Until next time have a nice week and weekend

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