Monday, 4 May 2009

We went west!

Today Monday feels a little bit odd, an odd Monday. There are a few things that contribute to My odd Monday, I will list them below.

1. It´s nice weather!!! I can´t believe it but spring is here to stay, and me, the worst pessimist in the world when it comes to Mondays and weather has actually started to believe in nice weather on Mondays again. It feels nice not having to moan about those rainy, cold and dark Mondays anymore. Some how I had talked myself into that role as the moaning-monday-mistress. But no more, no, no, no. From now on I will salut these great Mondays, filled with sunshine and blue skies. Indeed.

2. Second thing on my odd Monday list is the fact that i´m not at the Bombadilian head quarter today. I´m actually in my hometown Trollhättan, sorting todays work out from here. I´m sitting by my kitchen table and I have to admit that my office chair is more comfy than my nans old wooden chairs.... Well, well, at least I have the privelige of sitting in my old Taewondo trousers, wearing the top that I wore on both friday and saturday.... and sunday. And no one is complaining about my bad breath or my dirty top. Lovely. The reason why i´m in Trollhättan today is that i´m off to a meeting with a creative coach that hopefully can help me (and Bombadil) to arrange a small event during the summer. Nothing is set so I´m gonna keep a bit hushush about it until I have some more information... So I guess I will have to jump in the shower sooner or later anyway... =/

3. The third odd Monday thing is that John has both texted and e-mailed me in Swedish today. That is well confusing. I almost start to believe that he is actually learning to speak and understand Swedish. As I said, well confusing on an odd Monday.

Your Monday blogger Sara

1 comment:

"La LoCa De LoS GaToS" said...

Hello, to my spring also I am charmed with them ... genius leaves my evil in house jajaja
A greeting from Spain!