Tuesday 10 November 2009

Does Age Really Matter?

Being a writer I can’t be passive towards the mass debate that started last week on our social network.

Age can’t be a constraint for writing. Numerous examples can explicitly be given: John Keats who died at the age of 25, Anne Frank who died at the age of 15, John Kennedy, who was posthumously given Pulitzer award, died at the age of 31, Raymond Radiguet (a French novelist and poet) who died at the age of 20, Sylvia Plath (an American poet and novelist) who died at 30, Thomas Chatterton (poet of 18th ‘Gothic’ literary revival) who died at the age of 17, are among greatest poets and novelists till date.

So, I feel-
Literature is a field where criticism is a must. Criticism, which sheds light on the flaws with compassionate attitude towards the work, certainly helps establish credibility thus should surely be kept in consent for furthering persistent improvement. But ‘destructive criticism’ is, I would opine, combination of senseless words, enough for derailing authors’ right direction. One is liberated disagreeing authors’ point of view but with proper reasons and honest opinion, which is certainly essential for an individual’s betterment, otherwise damage can be done. Therefore, it is better to depreciate one’s hostile disagreement by throwing away those useless negative words.
