Sunday 15 November 2009

India celebrated Children's Day

“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” -John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Celebrating this day, we promote children’s emotional and social well being and right, inject high aspiration and astonishing determination to stand still in front of crumbling odds, promise a humanitarian assistance and renew commitment to provide safety, security and ample opportunities to grow removing the sickening poverty from root and make them free from most distressed situations. Different colourful and cultural programs are organized, patriotic songs are sung, various fancy and quiz programs are held on this special day. All are dedicated to celebrate their spirit, talent and make them realize that they are the future of the nation and concern of the country.

First children’s day was celebrated across the world in 1955 October. Though, universally it is celebrated on 20th November but different countries celebrate children’s day on various dates. In India, it is celebrated with great enthusiasm on 14th November, the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who laid the foundation of modern India and emphasised on all-round development of children.


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