Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Full coffee room and starry nights

Today I am starting my blog rather late as I have been in and out of the office all day, not really staying long enough to blog. Amazing how blogging just one day a week seems to be difficult. This time, though, my colleague John did not remind me. Cheers John! (hmmmm that is rather worrying...by posting this really funny picture of John, he might somehow retaliate... I just hope that he will be kinder than me!).

On a different note, I am rather proud of myself for not needing a reminder....perhaps John has just given up trying to remind me? I better not ask, so I can remain basking in my own glory.

Mari, a lovely local lady, called in to see if we needed somebody to work with layout and graphic design. She joined us in the coffee room though she preferred tea, so perhaps we have to rename it the leisure room. Tea/ coffee room sounds too much like trying to please all and nobody, and the rest room is just not appropriate, though I am sure Pixie would like the idea! Anyway, I sometimes like tea the best too, despite trying desperately to adapt to the Swedish way of drinking an obscene amount of coffee. Mind you they drink not to keep awake, but to keep up the social traditions. Back to Mari, she is really nice and has two dogs and a horse :-D How nice is that! Certainly gets my vote. Anyway, we were so impressed by her spirit and the fact that it was the Bombadil Shorts that convinced her to seek us out (seems that some people actually appreciate our sense of humour) that we are going to see if we can find a way for her to join our group. She is what is needed for our covers to become the best in the business. So if all works out the way we hope, we will soon have one more chair filled in our coffee room (not to mention one more office). Very exciting indeed and we hope Mari will enjoy our company as much as I am sure we will enjoy hers.

It is dark outside my window, which is natural as it is late and in the middle of winter. But the view is till stunning: velvety black sky sprinkled with diamonds. That is one thing I am extremely pleased about living here: the nights are so clear, the stars are so bright and there is precious little light pollution. The prettiest time during the winter, however, is sunrise and sunset. Absolutely marvelous! Here are some pictures over which you may contemplate, meditate, enjoy, marvel or relax. Or a mixture of all. Some pictures are taken by me, some by John and one by my father-in-law. But all pictures are of the sun setting or rising on, by or over our lake, just a few steps from where I am sitting now.

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