Thursday 8 October 2009

Bombadil Publishing’s Journey to El Salvador

When the Bombadil Publishing’s delegation arrived to El Salvador we immediately felt the warmth of the country, which I’d left 20 long years ago; the air was very hot and I wondered how could I could have lived in such a hot place.

But immediately the Bombadil Publishing’s delegation felt another kind of warmth in El Salvador, - the people’s warmth. We had a great reception by our “Ad Honorem” collaborator and mentor, Margarita Alfaro, and a big line of people who welcomed us to this warm country as a delegation which will help the young writers in this tropical country.

Margarita had prepared a very “hot” agenda for us; we met different newspapers (both digital and analogues), radio interviewers and TV teams. I could that Marianne and Niklas were affected by the heat in El Salvador; I myself got very sick. Our Agenda, however, was very intensive and amusing. The launch of our very first Spanish book in El Salvador, “31 Cuentos Cortos” by Mario Chavez Jovel, was successful, the media coverage was splendous: TV, Newspapers and radio were all there. They wanted to now about the wonderful news Bombadil Publishing is creating around the world, the amazing news about how young people now have the opportunity to be read, the opportunity to write about themselves, the opportunity to be listened to, the opportunity for young people who want to transmit their ideas to other young people… and adults too of course.

We want to send our thanks to all the people whom worked together with us on this marvelous journey to Latin America, specially to Margarita Alfaro in El Salvador, and to our mentor in Peru, Maggy Jacinto. They really are Bombadilians who spread the Bombadil Publishing feeling to young people from the entire world.


Melvin González

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