Friday, 30 October 2009

A memorable night

Last night, I read about Karin Boye, a greatest women Swedish poet, novel as well as short story writer. Much of her works deal with the themes of life, death and desolation. She was a poetic genius who liberated herself through her works. “Yes, of course it hurts’ is the most famous works that brought huge success in her life outside Sweden.

What has inspired me about her poetry is that she held quite modernistic philosophy about life. Even after 70 years of her death, her views are still relevant. She was influenced by Buddhism. Among her greatest works I liked these two:


Unlocked is the world's copper gate.
High in its gate-vault here I stand,
and what I see is infinitely great,
and no sight is so without end.

However deep I look, however far,
my gaze receives no help beneath.
All that I know exists no more -
not great, not small - not life, not death.

One single step on pathways free,
and for me all return is closed...
Why do you quake? Up, follow me!
For the universe's copper gate is forced!


My God
and my truth
I saw
in a strange hour.
People's words
and commands were silent.
Good and evil
my soul forgot.
My God
and my truth
I drank
in the hour of my angxiety.

My God
was salt darkness,
my truth
hard metal.
Deeply I shook.
Naked I stood,
washed by waves
of cold truth,
cold, strong,
contemptuous truth -
my Truth
and my God.

Finally, I’d like to thank Sara for introducing such a wonderful poet to me.

1 comment:

Tamyka33 said...

I didn't knew this poet, thanks for the recomendation. I liked a lot the second poem. I'll research a little more about this writer.
