Monday 19 October 2009


Today I am a bit tired, one get tired from arranging stuff I have noticed.

Last Saturday on the 17th of October I did a debute as event planner, for quite some time now I have been working on this event that I was suppose to arrange in my hometown, Trollhättan. When i first started off this project I couldn´t even imagine how much work it would generate, booking artists, venue, security guards, technician, writing a press release and Promotiontexts and creating flyers and posters, creating a budget and applying for money to pay all the mentioned people with. Plus a ton of other "small" things which had to be taken care of. Luckily I have a bunch of really good friends who has helped me a lot with the preperations, but also during the event day!

It has been a journey and I have been quite stressed out, BUT last Saturday I sort of understood why I was doinf all this work; the faces of those poeple being on stage, the silent audience obeserving the people on stage and the beutiful artwork that was on the walls. It was all worth it when the day came and I was standing at the venue obeserving my surrounding, I remeber thinking "I did it". It´s a cool feeling, so keep struggling, whatever you are struggling with because one day you will stand there and think to yourself "I did it"


1 comment:

My Rådmark said...

What a warmhearted firenight.
And a beautiful picture of you and Kristoffer on stage.
You do magic. // My