Wednesday 3 June 2009

Sunnny days, rainy days

Happy days

"Summerdays comes, summerdays goes.
And the weather is as volatile as life can be."

Small things like the sun, a nice summers day and getting wild flowers from your co-workers makes your life happy and nice, it makes the day :-)).

Look what I got from John and Sara.

As Sara mentioned we actually had our first bath in the lake next to our office. It was nice and warmer than I thought it should be! We were kind of warm after doing some work on the author school, well I just helped a bit and then the bath cooled us down. We will definitely do that some more times.

We all have our different interests. I love my dogs and old horse, Sara likes riding, John has his kayak building and so on. But on Saturday Marianne actually had persuaded John to take a ride in the forest with me on Sunday, big surprise when I got that sms :-)). But that is typical for Marianne, she can get anybody to do something strange or odd. And we did take a ride for about an our or so on Sunday, I had Ophelia (Marianne's horse) and John had Sunny. He did really well and did not fall of despite Ophelia's very fast turn to the right touching Sunny and him. Well done John. Me then ? Hmmmffrr I was hanging around Ophelia's neck with one foot in the stirrup. Ophelia is totally terrified of calves and sheep but it was something else she saw or heard this time. She will be better in time.

The first book for Gandalf Publishing is sent for printing now !!! Very exciting will it be when we actually have it in our hands. And tomorrow we will hopefully have another book in our hands, and another book is at the printers.

Have a nice evening and take care.

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