Friday, 21 August 2009

Bombadil Publishing has launched their first two books in Spanish.

A group representing Bombadil Publishing AB will be travelling to Latin America to launch the two very first books in Spanish, next already next week in Lima, Peru where we will be presenting Rogger Avendaño’s book “La Dama de Negro y otros Cuentos”, at the Cultural Spain Center in the Incan capital. A week later our Bombadil group will be in El Salvador’s capital, San Salvador, and we will be introducing to the world the book of our author Mario Chavez Jovel named “31 Cuentos Cortos” at the famous local in San Salvador.

Our company will be represented by our lovely MD Marianne Rugård-Järvstråt, the smart Niklas Järvstråt and myself Melvin González, together with our local mentors Maggy Jacinto in Peru and Margarita Alfaro Bulle in El Salvador, who will be very happy to get these books to their writers. The feelings of our work is crowned.

These two books are the result of the combined work of a great cooperation team between Bombadilians, the author, the mentor, myself, the team in the international office and the distribution team. There is a very good feeling in the air about these books and the message of those young writer is very clear: harmony, love, peace and taking care each other and help to building a better future, a Bombadilian future where young people help young people… and adults… as myself. YOUTH2YOUTH

Melvin González

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