Saturday, 15 August 2009

Young People are writing!

When I read the mails of girls and boys from USA, El Salvador, Peru, Venezuela, Sweden, India and many other countries, and I can see that all of them are writing books with the help of mentors provided by Bombadil Publishing AB, and the writers ask me what I think about their books, about their writing, about their stories, I feel that these young people give me a kind of energy, a kind of inspiration and happiness which takes me to horizons far away deep in the future. When young people are writing different stories, different feelings, different way to think, different ways to see in the future, they express themselves as the adults they will be in a near future. And these young people show us how they will live in the future, how they will take care of matters in the future, in the society and in real life. There will be a good life, no doubt about that, because these young writers are taking their responsibility already now, but in a young way, in a happy way and in a responsible way at the same time.


Srishti- India Andrea-Venezuela Lily- Peru Josephine-Sweden

A boy wrote the following to me: “Mr. Melvin, there was time to us, the younger generation to obtain this opportunity that Bombadil Publishing AB gives

us, this will be a historical success for both us young writers and for your nice editorial too, because never before has there been an opportunity like this. My mother is incredulous to this way to write books, because she never seen something like this before; my father is thinking in the same way, but they are just adults, they’re thinking like the other adults who didn’t have this marvelous opportunity your editorial has provided us. My parents are just adults, they don’t know better, poor people.” And there is to this young writer that I want to thanks this wonderful time I live right now, those young writer injected this inspiration, this good feeling, the Bombadil feeling. YOUTH2YOUTH.

A not so younger human been but feeling still young Melvin González.

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